Lockbot 5 (UE4, blueprint)
Lockbot 5 is a third person shooter game created in my second year at university during a 6-week group orientated module.
My role was that of a junior tech working in a team of mixed disciplines. My main responsibilities included:
Contributions to the player
The creation of the player was a joint effort by myself and the senior lead tech requiring we worked closely to ensure that the blueprint was readable and consistent as well as avoiding overwriting one another’s work. My contributions consisted of:
- Blink ability.
- Grenade toss ability, requiring the creation of a spline to demonstrate the path of the projectile as well as highlighting enemies within its blast radius.
- Time grenade which would slow nearby enemies. I had also provided the visual demonstration for with the use of a particle effect.
- Bullet time which slowed the game through time dilation.
- Rewind mechanic.
- As well as contributions to the players UI such as the red highlight provided when aiming at an enemy.
AI creation for 3 enemy types
Combat was a key factor of the games gameplay and so there needed to be enough variety to the enemies to keep the players engagement. This required that I create 3 different enemy types requiring some shared and specific behaviors.
The 3 enemy types consist of a:
- Bomber (chase, investigate, wander, path)
- Oracle (chase, investigate, strafe, wander, path)
- Sniper (chase, investigate, evade, strafe, wander, path)
These behaviors were implemented through the use of a behavior tree with the enemies perception included using Unreal’s perception component allowing the enemy to respond to sight and sound stimuli. Inheritance was made use of here for the shared logic of the AI with overrides being used to implement the various extensions in logic required for the enemies specific attacks.